Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A.I.C. Concert

I went to the Alice in Chains show on Monday @ The Knitting Factory, it was a pretty killer show. From my earlier post I was able to make to the show before they started playing, luckily. They were pretty kick ass, they sounded tight and the singer definitely does a great job w/ the songs. It was a simple show, no extravagant light show just kick ass music. I wasn't disappointed, worth every penny. Some how once again I managed to get a guitar pick from Will Duvall the lead singer/guitarist. I get lucky when it comes to this stuff. I somehow I've ended up w/ a pick from at least 9 or 10 different shows, not really sure how I do it. Whatever it is though it works.

I love going to heavy concerts, but it seems like every time I go I forget that personal hygiene is disregarded at these things. I don't know if I don't get the memo, but it seems like every other bastard who goes to these things smells like he/she hasn't even bothered to glance at a bar of soap in over a week. What makes it even worse is, it's hot as balls in these tiny clubs because their packed with 300 people or so and everyone is all sweaty and moshing. The combination of all the smells creates this vile smell that's a cross between swamp ass, guch(taint), sour balls, marlboro reds & Naty Ice. But yet I still go, I guess I like the smell if I can take it for 4 hrs at a time.

-My only complaint about the night is the mens downstairs restrooms at the Knitting Factory. I've been attending concerts there for over 10 years, I seriously don't think they've cleaned that bitch once since I've started going there back when it was still the The Big Easy. I figured when The Knitting Factory took over this venue they would at least fix this toxic sewage dump they call a restroom, guess not. The stall door has been ripped off as long as I can remember & there is still all the graffiti all over the walls & old ripped band fliers. I know that it gives it character, but God forbid if I ever have to shit in this place I'm not sure what I'd do. I would rather shit in a jail toilet surrounded by a bunch of hardened criminals than shit in that toilet. This bathroom reeks like the smells above but 100x's worse. I swear to God, I probably could leave an upperdecker and comeback 6 months later and it would still be there.

One more horrible thought, I feel sorry for any poor drunk bastard that passes out on that piss, puke covered restroom floor; guaranteed Hep C, herpes or at least a Staph infection.
Done pissing & moaning for tonight.

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