Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Artist entry #8/sculptor #3 Richard "The Terra" Serra

Artist Entry #8/sculptor #3 Richard "The Terra" Serra
Richard Serra's work is pretty simple, I guess that's why they call him a minimalist. He works exclusively with sheet metal. His work is very curvilinear and he can create these amazing flowing lines with massive sheets of sheet metal. Richard creates these enormous site specific metal pieces that almost look like a metal maze. How he does it is really an art, his pieces seems like they are one solid gigantic sheet of metal. What's a little unnerving is none of his pieces are bolted down or welded to any supports. All of his pieces are free standing and use their own weight to keep them standing. I would definitely be nervous checking out one of exhibits even though they would probably never fall down.
I picked Richard's work because how many artist out there work with metal at that large of scale. The shapes and angles he can create out metal like that it awesome, I think a lot of people underestimate how difficult it is to work with metal; even trying to mold a smaller piece can be difficult but not to mention his huge installments. I have never seen metal be manipulated they way he does it; I've had a little metal work experience myself and I can appreciate how difficult it is to work with metal.

Artist entry numero seven/sculptor # dos(2) Hefe Koons

Artist entry #7/sculptor #2 Senor Jeff (Hefe) Koons
I decided to put Jeff Koons in my Artist statements because, well I have no choice. I'm not familiar with many sculptors and he meets the criteria. Jeff Koons's art is somewhat controversial, art critics are split on his work some love it and some say it is kitsch. I know a lot of people in the art community don't consider him an artist due to the fact that he just takes pop culture object and decides to make them into art and then hires an artist to build it for him. He is in a way like Marcel Duchamp where he uses ready-made objects for art, but he does take the object and do something with it. Jeff did study painting and received his BFA from Maryland College Institute of Art. His work come in a variety of medias, whether it is stainless steel, porcelain he pretty uses all types of media. Jeff found a way to make his mark in the art world by taking normal everyday objects and making them into gigantic art pieces, he kept the properties of the object exactly the same but just made it big. A perfect example of this is "Tulip balloons" (3rd image) they look like a bouquet of flower balloons you would get at a kids birthday party, but they are massive in size and made of coated stainless steel. The work is done so well you cant see any of the welds and the reflective qualities are amazing, it looks like your looking at actual foil balloons. The work is so exact even the indentations on the balloons that form the top of the tulips are flawless and all the edges are so perfectly smooth rounded you would think you were actually looking at balloons.
To me you could consider Jeff an artist, I think other artist are pissed that he is making millions of dollars on art that he has never worked on himself and work has no meaning. Some artist put their heart and soul into a piece and never get anything for it and I think that is where the problem is. I think another reason people don't like his work is because he's kind of an asshole. It would be tough to have all the projects he has going on at once and manage them and have them come out to your vision.
One more thing, I wish I could have the M.J. and bubbles piece, if I did I would put it right in my door way that way every time anyone came into my house they would be forced to look at it and get creeped out.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Artist entry number seis(6)/Sculptor 1 Andy Goldsworthy

Artist entry 6/sculptor #1 Andy Goldsworthy

I was first shown his work in my Art 108 class (I hate that class, my teachers aid is absolutely WORTHLESS!!!)I'm just messing around just seeing if you are really reading these artist statements Arin. I was amazed by what he used for his materials. Andy Goldsworthy is a brit-ish artist who does photography but is well known for his land art. Andy is a well established artist, he has numerous books and videos on his work. His work is very naturalistic and varies from monochromatic to bright with vibrant colors. I love the fact that all of his work is created from things he finds in nature; to me that just adds to the degree of difficulty to his work. Andy uses a variety of objects to creates his work like stones, ice, flowers, leaves, twigs and other random things he finds out in nature. He is a known environmentalist, so I don't know if that is why he exclusively uses things he finds out in nature, but it is truly awesome.
What really makes this work special is what he creates is not a permanent object; either it will melt away, get blow apart to by the wind, or get washed away. I think it plays into that nothing is forever and to enjoy it while we still have it. I like the fact that he will thoroughly search the area he is working in in search of the perfect object he needs to create his art. His work seems so perfect and nothing is out of place, the work is so precise and exact. I saw how difficult it is to create his work when I was watching one of his videos; he was creating one of his famous cone pieces(3rd picture) and he didn't use anything else but rocks he found to create the cone. He would build the base of the cone and then he would place one rock out of place and the whole thing would crumble apart, costing him hours of works. When he finally established a base from there it was just an amazing display of balance and counter balancing of random rocks he found on a beach and perfectly placed. To me he is truly a visionary to the art community, he shows you don't need traditional art supplies to create amazing art.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Artist entry # nickel (5) Kara Walker

Artist Entry #5 Kara Walker
I decided to chose Kara Walker because her work is so powerful and the message she is sending is very obvious. As an artist she takes on the very controversial topics of racism, sexuality and the oppression of the African American community. Kara received her BFA from the Atlanta College of Art and received her MFA from Rhode Island School of Design. At first when I saw her work I just saw the silhouettes but not the meanings and thought it was pretty creative; after I actually started to really look at her work I saw the blatant racial subject matter. I can honestly say when I saw what her work was about I thought to myself "here we go, another artist trying to make a political statement in their work"; that stuff is annoying to me. After some serious consideration I realized there is still a lot of obvious racism going on today. Living in Idaho I haven't seen racism towards black people because there isn't that many that live here but with the Hispanic community I notice there is a ton and I understand that she is trying to point out the strong racism that is out there still to this day. So after that I understood why she doing what she is.
Kara does a few different types of media like painting and drawing, but she is famous for her paper cut out silhouette work. Her silhouette work are of large scale that attach and cover entire walls. The images tell a graphic story of racism in the south a perfect example is of the image where what is assumed to be a white boy scout riding a black girl like a horse and dangling a carrot in front of her. To me the narrative is showing the obvious stereotypes of a black girl with big lips and the corn rolls and the white boy scout is using her to get what he needs or wants. You can see the boy dangling the carrot in front of the girl as if promising something great at the end for her but she just has to do what he wants. Kara has even done exhibits where she will put a light projector up with the silhouettes to make the viewer a part of the piece. I like her work because it is so in your face and non-apologetic, it gets straight to the point and has no B.S. I appreciate that because I feel being brutally honest is the best way; if you get offended, oh well.

list of 3 ideas for artist book

Potential artist book ideas

10 things I wish I could have
1. Great life for me familia.
2. Gibson Bullseye Les Paul
3. Money and a buttload of it.
4. New Truck-preferably a garbage truck
5. Good paying yob(job)-Ie: McDonalds, sweat shop, outhouse cleaner
6. Debt free
7. Be done with college
8. Killer guitar skills
9. A long vacation
10. Free tickets to any events or concert I want.

14 things that piss me off!
1. yappy ass teenagers-especially the one's in my Eng 101 class)
2. Rap music-good job you can rhyme to a beat. By the way it's WITH not wif!!!
3. Slow drivers-that goes double for drivers on eagle frickin rd.
4. Rotten kids-spanking is good for a kid and is appropriate.
5. Caucasians acting like black people.
6. Certain religions-mainly the one that runs this state.
7. Dance music-like lady gogo or gaga; your music is a steaming pile of garbage.
8. Wanna be thugs-You're representing the gigantic douche bag gang.
10. Alpha males-That means you weight lifting, affliction t-shirt wearing guy.
11. Pompous rich people-mainly the yacht owning a-holes and who refer to their car as the benz.
12. Meth addicts(CHARDS)
13. Goth kids-Thanks Marilyn Manson, you have greatly contributed to society.
14. People that say, "what up dog", or "fo-shizzle" or any kind of stupid "izzle" reference.

10 things that molded me into the person I am.
1. Parents-Thanks for throwing me in closet and burning me w/cigarettes.
2. Ye ole lady
3. My special boy-he's is not that kind of "Special" either.
4. Guitars
5. Heavy Metal music-ie: michael bolton, kenny G, wayne newton
6. Humor/Sarcasm-Thanks George Carlin
7. Beer/alcohol and other substances of questionable legality-thanks to small town living.
8. Amigos
9. Movies/TV-Mr. Rogers hit me deep; "it was all good in the hood"
10. Stupid people making bad decisions

Is Chuck Close my father-in-law?

As I was doing my artist entry for Chuck Close I came across one of his self portraits and made an amazing discovery. What makes this very interesting is he looks exactly like my
father-in-law Tim. I put this picture up to show similar they are; it's amazing how close the self portrait resembles my father-in-law. Or maybe my father-in-law is a famous artist and never bothered to tell me.

Booze and the UFC

I'm a bit hungover so this will not be much of a post, if you're looking for a funny post skip past this one. I'm not firing on all cylinders right now and feel if I really wanted to I could probably vomit. My stomach is not happy right now and I think I feel "the hotties" a.k.a. the beer $h!ts coming on, Yea! I went out to my friends house and watched the fights and the Keystone Light started to flow. You can bag on me for drinking and liking Keystone Light but I DON'T CARE; I like it, it tastes great and you can kiss my ass if you think it's gross. I got a little drunk, but I didn't puke so I consider that a victory in itself.

I love the UFC, there is nothing better than watching 2 dudes beat the piss out of each other. People might say this is a blood sport and that it is violent. Well to those people I say kiss my ass! I know this is not a valid rebuttal, but oh well.

Told you this wasn't much of a post, like I said I'm a little hungover and I really don't care. If you want to complain, please feel free NOT to leave me a comment.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Artist Entry Numero 4(quatro) Chuck Close

Artist entry number 4, Chuck Close. I remember sitting in my Art 107 class last semester and Prof. Laurie Blakslee showed us this artist. I didn't know much about him I just remember his famous self-portrait(2nd pic below). I saw this picture and I was blown away, it was so rugged and natural looking it looks like someone you'd see on the street but the picture was still very powerful.

Chuck is a graduated with a BFA from U DUB (University of Washington) and eventually received his Masters from Yale. Chuck worked with photography and acrylic and airbrush painting and is known for his hyper-realism paintings.

The image to the right, is an amazing self portrait, it is what he is famous for. How he creates this look is he takes a photo from the neck up and creates a large scale grid on a large piece of canvas and paints what looks like a random multi-colored blob in the square up close, but from a far it creates on image. Chuck mainly works with portraits. What is truly amazing is he is quadriplegic and with the very limited movement he has he still paints.

His work is very interesting, he created images out of something you wouldn't expect to get an image out of. It's almost like he threw out the traditional rules of painting and did it his own way.

Really? Suprised by rednecks once again

FEE-FI-FO-FUM I PULL BEER WITH ME BUM! I found whitetrash version of a Budweiser Clydesdale horse. Is this is how bad the economy really is? If rednecks can't afford coolers to take their beer around and they have to resort to this I need to do my part as an american and donate a cooler to the cause. I really thought I couldn't be surprised anymore; I was wrong. This is one of those stories where you wish you could have been there, I know I wish I could have. I bet the conversation before was something like this:

Drunk Guy 1: "Dag on, I wish theres an easy-zer way to haul my beer, if there was only a buggy with tires on it to keep my beer cold and safe, that wood sur be nice!"
Drunk Guy 2: "Mii too, shoot its jus to hevy", "We wooood need sumthin' big n' strong."
Drunk Guy 2: "Wait a minute I know a way!", "Why wees can use yer saster, shes a big ole gurl". "Member when we got stuck mudboggin in you deessul pickup out in yer grand pappies field? "They tied a tow strap to hur and put a cheezeburger in front of hur and she pulled us out lickity split".
Drunk Guy 1: "I member", "Dat's why we started to put hur in the tracktor pulls."
Drunk Guy 1: "Yea too bad they quit lettin hur in to the traktur pulls cause she was winnin all da time", "she could have gone pro or sumthin."
Drunk Guy 2: "We can somehow tie bungee cords to a greese pan and put the other ends on hur drawers and have her pull it like dem budweiser horses." (laughing)
Drunk Guy 1: "I'm not sure bout dat...., aw she'll do it I juss gotta git her some marlbura reds and a jug of Jimma Beam, she'll do anythin fur Jimma Bean and I do mean anythin".
Debbie: 'WHAT CHU WANT"? (Burp)
Drunk Guy 1: "Can ya help us"? "I got a pak of smokes and some Jimma Beam fur ya if ya do."
Debbie: "Did ya say Jimma Dean or Jimma Beam"?
Drunk Guy 1: I said BEAM, J-I-M-M-uh, um I-I-E B-E uh, um-E-E-M-E.
Debbie: "Well..... Hell Yea," "Uses guys aint stuck in grand daddies field again are ya?"
Debbie: "Let me git my goood under britches on first".
And this leads us into our picture above.

Artist Entry Numero 3 Alex Grey

For this Artist entry I choose to do it an Alex Grey, I first saw his work like most people did on Tool's Lateralus Album. I thought it was real interesting; you could look at the work and tell there were so many different layers to each piece. But I was truly blown away by his work when I saw Tool live; they worked with Alex and incorporated his artwork into their stage show and turned his work into motion graphics that went across the entire stage. I had never seen images flow like this before in a concert; to me it gave you incite to what taking acid would be like and vast array of colors, the flowing lines and weird unnatural things you might see. To me it took the work to another level; It was without a doubt the best stage show and background I have ever seen, the art and the music work perfect off each other.
Alex mainly works with a variety paints and drawings, his work is very representational and complex it can take on so many meanings. His work focuses on life, death, the human body and psyche and even spirituality. He attended my different schools; but I think that Harvard Medical School is what lead him into his life and death direction of his work since he was apart on the Anatomy department. He incorporates a rainbow of colors that flow through and even create the images in his work, I think that is why people are drawn to his work. In his work he breaks humans down to their most basic form just nerves, bones and muscles; I think it is interesting because it show that's all we are and we just really live to procreate and look for some sense of existence. It is also interesting how he makes the transition from life to death so intriguing it seems as he takes us away to a cosmic reality or a journey deep into the mind and shows us what life really is. His work is so out there and out of the norm from any other artist I think that's why I like it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Anyone want cottage cheese?

This is the last time I meet a chick off the Internet, DAMN YOU MYSPACE! This is a picture of us at the fair; that's me in front of her and right then she is flashing me and I'm getting ready to fro up my beer battered deep fried chilly dog. I had my cougar tag that day so I decided I might as well fill it, repeatedly. I'll admit it was a little weird at first but I trucked through it and now I'm meeting her for a date on Saturday hope things go well, I'm picking her up at her shift ends at the Eager Beaver gentleman's club :)

I guess it's safe to assume this is what a sheep looks like after it get shaved. Well except the fact that the back of a sheep's legs doesn't look like they got hit with a bag of nickles. I really want to know why she has cut holes in her ass, is it so the flies can escape safely or is it because she needs air conditioning for that bad boy. This woman has more dimples on her legs than a golf ball. Cottage cheese looks at this lady and wants to vomit; I might, I've been staring at this picture for too damn long and I'm starting to get queasy. Could you imagine walking behind this lady on a hot sunny day, talk about a smell that would make you want to go put your head in a outhouse toilet. It's probably a vile stench of hot garbage, sour cottage cheese, B.O., cigarettes and Mad Dog 20/20.
I'm done, if I look at this picture anymore I seriously might vomit.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Brian is let down by his favorite hero. Suicide alert in Affect!

' As a young child I was taught one golden rule, this rule superseded another other rule, this rule was the holiest of holy rules and if was broken it would result in instant death and you would rot in HELL for eternity. The rule was NEVER, EVER, EVVVVVVVER, EVER HASSLE THE HOFF!
I am sad to say today this is the saddest day of my life, for I must hassle The Hoff :( Today while I was doing my daily Hoff search on the Internet I stumbled upon this horrific picture. At first glance I thought it wasn't real, but I later found out that it was. I write this post in tears sobbing over my keyboard; Dave normally I would go to war for you but what you did to my most favoritest puppies in the world is unforgivable. After further research I found out that after the photo shoot "Wrinkles" (the adorable puppy on dave' nuts) committed suicide. Wrinkles couldn't live with the fact that The Hoff's nuts were next to his puppy pooper, so he ran head first into traffic and was stuck by a bus; oddly enough the bus had a billboard with The Hoff's picture on it; a little ironic I think. The other precious puppy "Flaps" tried to bury that horrible memory with years of abusing heroin, Ecstasy and whiskey but to no avail. Flaps eventually contracted parvo from sharing a dirty needle with another dog and 10 years later to the day of the photo shoot Flaps died. Only one person showed up at his funeral; was it the Hoff to pay his final respects? NOPE, it was John "Freaking" Stamos, apparently those two were gay lovers in the 80's. Nikki Sixx was asked about Flaps drug abuse and Nikki said "I thought I was f**ked up, this dog was 10x's worse of then I ever was", he also said that "Flaps was the most F**king hardcore dog he has ever partied with". So today Hoff I sit here and look at you in disgust knowing the fact that you can sleep at night with the blood of these dogs on your hands. Today I must officially say goodbye dear friend, forever. (sobbing)

P.S. I will be keeping my Hoff fan club card, I feel that I deserve it. Also a memorial has been setup in Flaps's name; it's called "The God don't let him do this to another animal fund". It provides other animals with vital information to avoid being victimized by The Hoff.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I have found my Halloween costume for this year!!

Attention everyone I have made the tough decision to leave my wife for someone else. Here is a picture of him. His name is Keith, he says he is a real unicorn but I'm not sure if I believe him yet. For starters he hasn't shown me that he can fly yet; WEIRD I know, huh. Hello, it is common knowledge that unicorns can fly! The reason he gave why he couldn't fly is because he ran out of his magical flying dust; I think he called it METH, don't know what it is, never heard of it. Another thing that makes me suspicious is that his horn keeps on falling off, he says it was from a HARD night of playing horns with other unicorns. Oh well, he totally gets me and his dream for us in life is a pasture to frolic in, an endless supply of magic flying dust and Barbara Steisand music being played non stop. Gotta go, Keith says we have a pride parade we gotta go to.
Reasons like this make me wonder, Do we have too much freedom in this country? This guy makes Elton John seem like he's the straightest man in the world.

I love Wal Mart shoppers!

OMG! I finally found my Cher denim jacket! THANK YOU GOD!!!! Excuse me missy, if you see this could you return it to me A.S.A.P. This is totally my most favoritest jacket in the world.
Attention everyone this is the SON OF A BITCH who stole it from me; I have cried myself to sleep every night awaiting it's return! If I ever see him I'm going to slap fight him for it. This denim jacket is rightfully mine and I will scour every Wal-Mart in the U.S. till I find it. Don't worry people I have the police, FBI, CIA and Homeland Security involved; we will get this BASTARD and justice will be served! Memo to Cher denim jacket thief; I totally love the pants, they work well with the coat! FABULOUS!
If you want to feel better about yourself go to www.peopleofwalmart.com, this will make you realize life really isn't that hard; unless of course you are one of these people shown in the images. Thanks to the person(s) for creating this website; I don't think you realize how many suicides you have prevented because of it, people all over the U.S. are seeing that life doesn't suck that bad and it could be a lot worse.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Going to a kick ass show tonight, going to see 7-dust at knitting factory, maybe this time I can get drunk and pass out on the dirty ass, STD covered bathroom floor at the knitting factory. I doubt that will happen, but here's to wishful thinking. Should be a good show, not much for the opening acts, oh well. Not much of a post but it works.

Greatest invention everest, Brian geeks out for 1st time in a long time!

This past weekend I bought an Ipod Touch, I always like expensive toys but I can rarely can afford them; not this year, thanks to tax refunds. Normally I'm not an electronics guy but I started to play with this thing an I totally started geeking out. I went full on Star Wars geek mode and I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE Star Wars and hate to use a Star Wars reference, but that's how excited I was. I never realized the potential these damn things had, if you go anywhere that has wifi you can pick it up and surf the internet for free, it loads all my gay porn up pretty quick too, so I can take it with me anywhere I go. I love the touch screen, I thought it would be a pain in the ass to use, but it works pretty well. This thing has a 32 GB memory, in my terminology that means it holds a shit load of music, video & pics. I have over 2000 songs on this thing and I'm not even half way to filling the memory up. I especially love how the music is sorted by showing the album covers & beng able to flip through. The applications you can download are badass, there is a app where it shows you all the bars in the Treasure Valley a description of them, how much time is left on their happy hours & a map to them. This is an alcoholics dream! It's even got a beer app that shows over 7800 different kinds of beer and a description of them. There are thousands of other more useful apps like giving directions to where to eat to imdb. There is probably tons more this thing can do but I haven't figured it out yet. I you have 3 bills laying around, I would high recommend getting one.