Saturday, May 29, 2010

Back Again

I'm usually a pretty tolerable person, but dammit some people just force my hand. I recently got a new job at a certain call center(why god, why?) and I'm training now and I'm quickly learning about a somewhat new phenomenon called World of Warcraft. This is an online fantasy vidoe game where the player commonly known as douche bag can magically play in a fictitious world of wizardry and spells and play as a butt goblins, a gay sorcerers or whatever stupid character you could imagine. People spend days playing this game, casting gay spell after gay spell on each other and slap fighting each other in this awesome magical world. With this game it's either you hate it or you're obsessed with it. Me personally I love this game, my character is a gay pirate with assless chaps and a denim jacket with Cher airbrushed on the back. My character throws butt plugs, squirts KY jelly, criticizes your outfits and forces you to listen to Celine Dion. I'm in a class of 30 people and I swear that half of the class plays this god awful game. If you saw these people you wouldn't be surprised, these people have World of Warcraft, Star Wars, Star Trek and any other sci-fi show seeping out of their pores. This game isn't limited to kids and teenagers, there are people who are in their 50's who are playing the damn game as much as the little kids. My reason for the gripe is I can't go one day of work without hearing at least 20 World of Warcraft references or as the cool kids refer to it as W.O.W. I'm getting a bit tired of it and I really want to tell those nerds to go get a life. The obsession with this game is so bad that they play it during our breaks. I'll admit I don't mind playing video games for a couple of hours every once in a while but not as much as these tards do. I used to play video games a lot, then I turned 16 touched a boobie and grew the hell up. I hope to god that one day this whole fantasy world comes crashing down and the game crashes and can never be relaunched ever again. It only took a week for me to get sick of this game and I pray everyday that it would go away. I hope the person who created this game rots in hell for the rest of their life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random Entry

Truth in advertising? At least they're being honest.

Artist Entry #30 Magdalena Abakanowicz

Arist Entry #30 Magdalena Abakanowicz

Magdalena is a famous Polish sculptor, she has worked with a variety of mediums like sack cloth, bronze, stone, clay and wood. I picked Magdalena because her work is very dark and kind of creepy. She grew up in Poland when the Nazi's invaded, her work is definitely inspired by those dark years of her life. All a lot of her pieces are headless and are of bodies in various poses. It kind of reminds me of the living dead. The bodies are nameless and faceless, so there must be some disconnect she is trying to create. Her work is probably full of meanings I just don't know it.

That's all I got for her Erin, if you don't want to count this one, fine. 29 out of 30 is fine with me, I'm just tired of doing these artist statements 30 is way too many. I'm glad I'm done with them; but I will continue this blog, so if you still want to follow me still go ahead. Lucky for me there are tons of stupid people out there including myself, so I'll have plenty to write and complain about.

Museum Entry

For the first museum I went to the B.A.M., I sketched this image of a horse made scrap metal.
My first impression was DAMN, this thing is probably life size. I would describe as a rusted orange painted scrap metal, that is heavy and big.If I were describing this to someone, I'd say It's a life size horse made of random pieces of metal. It is pretty simplistic, all the metal used is not really manipulated, most of it really wasn't adjusted.
Specific Words: Amazing, heavy, metal, rust, orange paint.
To display the information the museum used a white index card covered by a plastic cover.
The point of view: Is a 360 degree, you can walk around it and it's almost 7' tall.
Interpret: It's an iron horse signifying, that we will no longer rely on horses to do our work and we will rely on metal, man made objects to do our work.
Elements: cold, emotionless metal.
No questions, context does influence the meaning and it's intended for everyone.

For the second museum I went to the Warhawk Air Museum in Nampa
A lot of the pieces were donated by war veterans and their families. This museum is dedicated to WWII aviation and all military branches of WWII American history.
The piece I observed was an installation of WWII clothing like fighter jackets, military issued hats and shirts, medals, pictures and basic necessities like watches, maps, blankets and cigarettes.
Narrative was of the life and travels of a soldier.
My first reaction was instant patriotism and sadness for all the people who gave their lives defending our country.
My interpretation was these were things you might see and have while being in the military.
To describe to someone I'd say a 4'x5' glass case filled with items that someone would have being in the military.
Few words I'd characterize the piece, I'd say patriotism, heroism, bravery, honor.
The were tags displayed over the entire museum telling about artifacts and stories of some of the pieces. The museum provided a pamphlet describing each display.
The artifacts were real like the airplanes, the military clothing, medal, and weapons. these were a few reproduction like a model submarine and some weapons.
The pieces were all at eye level.
Overall meaning, being in the military was a honor but was difficult
Elements included were Military propaganda from other countries and things the military gave to inspire troops.
Choices curator made were to inform the public about military life and to honor those who served. Also to get the feeling of the era, the museum played music and radio shows you'd hear from the 1940's.
Really no question asked, but maybe not to forget those in who were in WWII
Context is exclusively influenced by all branches of the military.
This museum was intended for everyone.

Artist Entry #29 Julio Gonzalez

Artist Entry #29 Julio Gonzalez

Julio worked with metal and painting, but mainly metalworking. He created pieces ranging in size from small to very large. He is one of the people responsible creating an interest for metal art. A lot of his work is very abstract kind of like Picasso, you can see the image he is trying to create but it's stripped down to it's basic and generic form. You can see Picasso's abstract influences on his work because at one point they shared a studio.
I've always found metal art interesting because I've worked with metal and welding before and I know had big of a pain in the ass it can be. I have respect for artist who can create the curvilinear lines, odd angles and organic shapes with metal. A lot of people don't realize how difficult it is to manipulate metal and get it to take these shapes. The small detail work is his pieces is pretty impressive as well.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brian offends someone again and he could careless.

This is going to be one my bitchfest posts, I haven't done one of these bad boys in a while. This all started on Tuesday in my Art 108 class, we were going to do our critique on our final projects. In my group we did guilty pleasures, so we got 8x10 photos of guilty pleasures and hung them up on a wall, it resembled a game show somewhat. Well I'll be damned if one of the Art Professors at Boise State got all butt hurt over a few of our pictures. The first image was of a bigggggg girl making out with this scrawny ass guy(he was hoggin'), I might give you that one; they said that we were stereotyping bigger people. The second image was of gossip, you'd think how could someone be offended about that? We had a picture of two cartoon women talking, again we were stereotyping women. ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME! The last one was a image of a women sleeping in the nude, it only showed her ass and it was pretty tasteful, honestly. Well they again said we were stereotyping and objectifying women. SWEET JESUS, talk about nitpicking! I have to say we had a female in our group and I know she wasn't offended and neither was any other person in our class including the prof. I don't know who it was but I really don't care. To the person who was offended by my work; If I offended your sensitive, estrogen driven, girlie feelings well..........TO DAMN BAD, SACK UP. God forbid someone gets offended over something, especially in the Art community, I don't care to be P.C. nor will I ever be. I'm tired of people getting bent out of shape over something STUPID & TRIVIAL, nobody cares about your conservative opinion. This entire project was really based around blatant sarcasm and borderline tasteless humor, if you saw the project you'd get that. If you can't laugh about simple things in life then your life must really suck and you've got to be the most boring person in the world. This is 2010, if you're offended by this then your probably offended by everything else in the world. My entire mission now it to offend you anyway I can with my work. To anyone at BSU if you see artwork with a big ass girl making out with a scrawny guy and girls gossiping, it will probably be my work. One last thing to say on this rant, this is dedicated to all the overly sensitive, uptight, ultra conservative people of the world.
KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artist Entry #28 Jake & Dinos Chapman

Artist Entry #28 Jake & Dinos Chapman
Holy Hell, I finally found artist who made me finally say OH MY GOD! The work these guys due is awesome, for anyone who has a high moral standard or a weak stomach these guys are not for you. Jake and Dinos are brothers from England, they typically work with installation and conceptual art. These guys constantly play the ideas of death, torture, sex and mutation. They are amazing at creating such graphic and disturbing scenes filled with blood, guts severed appendages and severed genitalia. The pictures I have up are a drop in the bucket to what they can really do. I wasn't sure if some of their work would be appropriate for my school blog, SOMEONE MIGHT GET OFFENDED!
I especially love the exhibit of "If Hitler Had Been a Hippy How Happy Would We Be." The very top picture is from that installation. There a many pieces that go with it, but I thought the mushroom cloud looked killer. This piece is centered around hell on earth and letting those Nazi bastards getting what they deserve. Obviously this piece is filled with death, torture and disfigurement. These guys do a great job with the shock and awe concept, hands down they take the cake. I also love the Stephen Hawking piece, HE'S ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!

Artist Entry #27 Duane Hanson

Artist Entry #27 D-Wayne Hanson
D-Wayne was a sculptor who dealt exclusively in Super realism, some say his work was pop art, I'd have to tend to agree. He created these life size figures that are so realistic, you could easily confuse them for real people. To create these pieces he would take a plaster mold of a person and then decorated them to what they are now.
What make these pieces so interesting is he created these gruesome scenes like the motorcycle crash and unattractive people like the housewife and made amazing art out of them. He is making reality art, most people don't have perfect bodies and he wanted to show that being average can inspire art. He said about his work, "To me, resignation, emptiness and loneliness of their existence captures the true reality of life for these people....I want to achieve a certain tough realism which speaks of the fascinating idiosyncrasies of our time." When I look at his art I can relate to it more since they are average people, I think if he used only people with the perfect body shape that his work wouldn't be as effective.

Artist Entry #26 Robert Arneson

Artist Entry#26 Robert Arneson
Robert was an American sculptor who created figural ceramic sculptures and sketches from his own work. He was well established as a ceramic artist, he was also a ceramics instructor at UC Davis. I like his work because it is so campy and funny. Come on who can't laugh at a ceramic piece that's a toilet. I guess you could say I have toilet humor. A lot of his work is various self portraits of himself that are just weird self portraits. I think it's cool though that a famous artist like himself created a self portrait of himself tonguing himself in the ear. I think if I were to do ceramic art I would create images like this, I get why he does it. He is doing things the way he wants to and if you don't like that, well tough $h!t. In a way he is giving art critics "the finger" and telling them I don't care what you think; art is art. His work is funny but detail in his work is done very well and you can't deny his artistic ability.
I really like the California Artist(pic on bottom), it reminds me of Tommy Chong, I can hear his voice coming out of it saying Heyyyy maannnnn..... It's a self portrait that is responding to comments that an art critic made stereotyping artist from Californian, that is why he's wearing a denim jacket and sunglasses. You can't see the base of the statue but it has a marijuana plant painted on it and cigarette butts and a broken beer bottle as well.

Artist Entry #25 Maya Lin

Artist Entry #25 Maya Lin
In my Art 108 class we watched a video on the women who created the Vietnam memorial, Maya Lin. I thought the video was very interesting, it showed how she conceived the idea and how she won the artist contest of creating the Vietnam Memorial. After it was announced that her idea won, there was a public outrage because first off she was of Asian descent and the wall was black marble signifying that the war was a black eye for the United States. Her intentions were just to create a simplistic piece that could send powerful message and she used black because it is a very respectful color. After watching the video it showed me that basic shapes or forms can make a huge impact on society and a single piece could represent an entire cause.
The 2nd image is of a round black granite table in Montgomery, Alabama. This piece represents the civil rights movements of the 1960's and all the key contributors to it. On the top of the table are names and dates of important people and the things they did like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and other various civil rights contributors. On top of the table a small pool of water sits barely flowing representing that water "flows like justice".
Her work to me represents that one person can make a difference and can stand up for what is right. Her work conveys such a powerful message and I think every artist should use their art to send positive messages sometimes.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Artist Entry #24/ Sculptor #15 Alberto Giacometti

Artist Entry #24/ Sculptor#15 Alberto Giacometti

Alberto was born in Switzerland and was a sculptor, painter and drawer. Alberto is known for his bronze sculptures that lack features and are on rough and course surface. It is amazing who he can put so little detail into a piece and create such a powerful emotion from it. He created his work from a subject but when he created the statue he created it as he saw it and the way he wanted the viewer to see it. The image on the bottom of the dog is a good example of this, when you look at it, you see what appears to be this old dog that's on its' last legs and has had a hard life. I know when I look at it I feel bad for the dog and want to help it out, he does a great job of creating a narrative out of a simple object.
I like his work because it is so simple but is still very powerful. The uneven surface gives the pieces even more power and create a deeper meaning.

Artist Entry #23 Salvador Dali

Artist Entry #23/ Salvador Dali
Salvador was a Spaniard artist who was known for his surrealist paintings. He worked with a few different type of media like painting, sculpture film and photography but he mainly focused on painting. His work reminds me of something you would image in a weird dream.
Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening(the first image) is such an odd piece, I find myself attracted to it though because the idea is so out there. His work is very dark and bizarre, to come up with a interpretation for this piece I think I would need to take a hallucinogenic drug. A pomegranate with a fish shooting out of it that is devouring a tiger that is ready to attack a naked women. Weird but interesting.
Salvador was known for being very eccentric, to create this type of work you'd have to have quite an imagination. When I see his work it looks like it would be a visual aid for Pink Floyd music. After looking his work online I instantly became a fan and can't wait to learn more about him.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Sometimes I wish Jeffery Dahmer was still around, this guy is already cooking a meal for him. You know this dumbass has thought this through because he has a F'ING fire going underneath the bucket, that $h!t doesn't happen by accident. This guy is officially a burden on society and had lost any possibility for any government benefits.

All You Can Do Is Shake Your Head.

I hope that girls 14 yr old sister wasn't wanting one of these BK burgers. I've been starving before but not enough to have sex with someone for food. How do you position that question to someone? That kind of hunger is well past 3rd world country hunger, I don't think even an Ethiopian would stoop to that level. If she looks anything like her sister she might want to reconsider sleeping with Jenny Craig or a producer from the biggest loser. If that isn't rock bottom for being over weight than what is? One question I have is, is this considered bartering or is it prostitution? That better be one damn good double cheeseburger if your willing to do that for it.

On to the picture below, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this person lied on their application when they said they graduated high school. If not, I want nothing to do with this burger and I'll NEVER eat at BK AGAIN. What you their tag line be for this burger? "The burger that leaves you feeling mountain fresh!" I've got a few more ideas for tag lines involving extra cheese and fish, but not sure I can post them for my Art blog.

Brian goes to another concert!

Going to concerts is one of my favoritest things to do, so on Friday night I went to the Neurolux and watched High on Fire, Priestess, Black Cobra and Bison B.C. This show wasn't bad, far from great though. Bison B.C. opened up the show and they were ok, they were definitely heavy but not really my taste. The next band was Black Cobra I'd heard of them but really haven't listened to them. They came out with a 2 man band, a guitarist/singer and a drummer; interesting idea but then they started to play, all their songs sounded the same and you really couldn't tell when one song ended and another started. Don't think I'll be getting any of their music anytime soon. But the real reason why I went to the show was for Priestess(Band in top picture), I'd seen these guys a few years ago and I really dug their music, they had tons of energy and were entertaining. This time around the not so much, they were pretty mellow and the crowd wasn't to rowdy and they played a lot of songs from their new album which I don't have. It was kind of a let down, but still was fun.
High on Fire was the headliner, this is a band I'm on the fence on; they are heavy and a little screamy but the guitarist breaks into these savage guitar solos so still not sure yet. I've seen only a few guitarist how can really man-handle a guitar, Zakk Wylde, Dimebag but Pike the guitarist from High on Fire knows to savagely rape a guitar. When he gets a hold of that thing he is so brutal on it and I totally love that.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Artist Entry # 22/ Sculptor #14 C.Oldenburg & C. Van Bruggen

Artist Entry #22/Sculptor #14 Claes Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen
I decide to uses their work because it is different, they have been labeled as creating pop art because of the images they create. The idea of using everyday ordinary objects and making them gigantic is size is kind of interesting I guess. Most of their work is displayed out in fields or large parks. It appears that each piece is site specific, ie: Monument to the Last Horse(horse shoe). it seems so appropriate that you'd see a huge horse shoe at a ranch in Texas. To give you an idea of how big there work can be Claes built a gigantic clothes pin that was 45' tall.
I think they work is pretty cool, there ideas are very original. I'm not sure if the they have any intended meanings behind their work but it is still visually appealing. In a way they kind of share the same way of thinking as Jeff Koons but they create the work themselves.

Artist Entry# 21/ Sculptor#13 Ron Mueck

Artist Entry #21/ Sculptor#13 Ron Mueck
I decided to pick Ron Mueck because his work is truly amazing. Ron is known for his hyper realism in his sculptures. The way he can make silicone look so realistic is crazy. In all of his work the sculptures look so life like, if you didn't have a reference to it's size you'd think they were actual people. Ron likes to play with the scale of the sculptures, some are massive in size like the Charles Manson looking feller. The women leaning against the chair shows how big it really is. He does do smaller pieces (none shown), but they are just as detailed and realistic.
I like his work because conceptually it's so out there. It's genius that he is taking regular looking people and adjusts the scale and puts the sculptures in these awkward positions. I think with work of this size it would make people very uncomfortable or intimidated. Could you imagine seeing the Charles Manson looking piece looking at you with that weird facial expression; I'd be nervous as hell.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Final Project Proposal

I decided to do my Proposal on guilty pleasures. I did this because all of us have one and if you say you don't have one then you're lying to yourself. Everybody has got one, whether they want to admit it or not. Here's one of mine, GARTH BROOKS. My buddy Jake who's is a country boy through and through go me started on him. How it happened is we would have a bunch of cocktails and he would crank up Garth and try to sing his drunk @$$ off. Well after months of doing this night in and night out; one fatal night I caught myself liking it and singing it too. Garth had grabbed a hold of me like heroin and wasn't about to let go. People might say this isn't a guilty pleasure because we live in Idaho, but if you knew my musical taste you'd understand. I'm the kind of person who listens to Pantera, Black Label Society and Slipknot, the list could go on forever. I'm all about the heavy $h!t and to admit I like Garth is the equilivent to me admitting that I like clubbing baby seals. Damn you Garth, I've tried to get away from you, but somehow you track me down. Not sure if I'll ever kick the Garth habit, but I guess I might as well enjoy the ride.
What I want to do is to get everyones guilty pleasure in class and put up an 8"x10" photo of it and also have a picture of everyone in class and have the viewer put the photo of the person underneath who they think the guilty pleasure belongs to.

Artist Entry # Viente(20)/Sculptor numero 12 Marc Quinn

Artist Entry #20/Sculptor #12 Marc Quinn
Marc is a British sculptor who works with interesting and unusual subjects for his works. He works with various media like sculpting, painting, photography and drawing. He is famous for his self portrait where he made a mold of his head and and filled it with nothing but his own blood and froze it(not pictured) and displayed it.
I think his work is interesting because the ideas are so different. The image up top is of a real person named Alison Lapper, she was born w/out any arms and shortened legs. I find this appealing because most of the time when you think of a marble sculptures you think of the ideal body type or the perfection of a body, like Michelangelo's "David". You wouldn't think to use a person with a deformed body. I guess this takes marble sculpting to another weird dimension. His work of the skeleton praying is killer, the sculpture is of an actual 22 month old fetus skeleton that was bronzed and painted white. Who thinks of this, I know I would have never thought of this. His works is really odd and that's why I'm drawn to it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Inspired Once Again!

In my Art 108 class we are doing a project where people anonymously submitted there guilty pleasures and we're going to put them up and students on campus can guess who guilty pleasure belongs to. Well this made me think long and hard about my guilty pleasures. I admitted one of mine to the class as an example, it was Garth Brooks. After really thinking about it I found my true guilty pleasure, Hogging (YEAH FRICKIN RIGHT). No explanation is needed to what this is, just refer to the picture above. This usually happens after a hard night of drinking, you would think that embarrassing pictures like this would make someone go to A.A. but not me I'm not a quitter. This happened to me many years ago (not even close to being that big either) and there still isn't enough whiskey in the world to erase that memory, trust me I've tried.

Here is a picture of me (not really) and Not-So Little Debbie, this is what happens when your friends say, "hey man drink this shot, it's good." This is why I quit taking shots, especially Horse and rabbits(Wild Turkey w/ a splash of Ruppelmintz). I strongly recommend you avoid this shot like the plague, unless you want to be in this scenario. If had a nickel for every time this happened......well, I'd have one buffalo nickel. What's worse is waking up the next morning and staring reality right in the face. I just have one question, where were this dude's friends? Whenever you go out drinking w/ your buddies you need to have a spotter to avoid situations like this. BAD FRIENDS, don't worry karma will get you later.