Monday, March 29, 2010

Artist entry number seis(6)/Sculptor 1 Andy Goldsworthy

Artist entry 6/sculptor #1 Andy Goldsworthy

I was first shown his work in my Art 108 class (I hate that class, my teachers aid is absolutely WORTHLESS!!!)I'm just messing around just seeing if you are really reading these artist statements Arin. I was amazed by what he used for his materials. Andy Goldsworthy is a brit-ish artist who does photography but is well known for his land art. Andy is a well established artist, he has numerous books and videos on his work. His work is very naturalistic and varies from monochromatic to bright with vibrant colors. I love the fact that all of his work is created from things he finds in nature; to me that just adds to the degree of difficulty to his work. Andy uses a variety of objects to creates his work like stones, ice, flowers, leaves, twigs and other random things he finds out in nature. He is a known environmentalist, so I don't know if that is why he exclusively uses things he finds out in nature, but it is truly awesome.
What really makes this work special is what he creates is not a permanent object; either it will melt away, get blow apart to by the wind, or get washed away. I think it plays into that nothing is forever and to enjoy it while we still have it. I like the fact that he will thoroughly search the area he is working in in search of the perfect object he needs to create his art. His work seems so perfect and nothing is out of place, the work is so precise and exact. I saw how difficult it is to create his work when I was watching one of his videos; he was creating one of his famous cone pieces(3rd picture) and he didn't use anything else but rocks he found to create the cone. He would build the base of the cone and then he would place one rock out of place and the whole thing would crumble apart, costing him hours of works. When he finally established a base from there it was just an amazing display of balance and counter balancing of random rocks he found on a beach and perfectly placed. To me he is truly a visionary to the art community, he shows you don't need traditional art supplies to create amazing art.

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