Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Artist Entry #26 Robert Arneson

Artist Entry#26 Robert Arneson
Robert was an American sculptor who created figural ceramic sculptures and sketches from his own work. He was well established as a ceramic artist, he was also a ceramics instructor at UC Davis. I like his work because it is so campy and funny. Come on who can't laugh at a ceramic piece that's a toilet. I guess you could say I have toilet humor. A lot of his work is various self portraits of himself that are just weird self portraits. I think it's cool though that a famous artist like himself created a self portrait of himself tonguing himself in the ear. I think if I were to do ceramic art I would create images like this, I get why he does it. He is doing things the way he wants to and if you don't like that, well tough $h!t. In a way he is giving art critics "the finger" and telling them I don't care what you think; art is art. His work is funny but detail in his work is done very well and you can't deny his artistic ability.
I really like the California Artist(pic on bottom), it reminds me of Tommy Chong, I can hear his voice coming out of it saying Heyyyy maannnnn..... It's a self portrait that is responding to comments that an art critic made stereotyping artist from Californian, that is why he's wearing a denim jacket and sunglasses. You can't see the base of the statue but it has a marijuana plant painted on it and cigarette butts and a broken beer bottle as well.

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