Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brian offends someone again and he could careless.

This is going to be one my bitchfest posts, I haven't done one of these bad boys in a while. This all started on Tuesday in my Art 108 class, we were going to do our critique on our final projects. In my group we did guilty pleasures, so we got 8x10 photos of guilty pleasures and hung them up on a wall, it resembled a game show somewhat. Well I'll be damned if one of the Art Professors at Boise State got all butt hurt over a few of our pictures. The first image was of a bigggggg girl making out with this scrawny ass guy(he was hoggin'), I might give you that one; they said that we were stereotyping bigger people. The second image was of gossip, you'd think how could someone be offended about that? We had a picture of two cartoon women talking, again we were stereotyping women. ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME! The last one was a image of a women sleeping in the nude, it only showed her ass and it was pretty tasteful, honestly. Well they again said we were stereotyping and objectifying women. SWEET JESUS, talk about nitpicking! I have to say we had a female in our group and I know she wasn't offended and neither was any other person in our class including the prof. I don't know who it was but I really don't care. To the person who was offended by my work; If I offended your sensitive, estrogen driven, girlie feelings well..........TO DAMN BAD, SACK UP. God forbid someone gets offended over something, especially in the Art community, I don't care to be P.C. nor will I ever be. I'm tired of people getting bent out of shape over something STUPID & TRIVIAL, nobody cares about your conservative opinion. This entire project was really based around blatant sarcasm and borderline tasteless humor, if you saw the project you'd get that. If you can't laugh about simple things in life then your life must really suck and you've got to be the most boring person in the world. This is 2010, if you're offended by this then your probably offended by everything else in the world. My entire mission now it to offend you anyway I can with my work. To anyone at BSU if you see artwork with a big ass girl making out with a scrawny guy and girls gossiping, it will probably be my work. One last thing to say on this rant, this is dedicated to all the overly sensitive, uptight, ultra conservative people of the world.
KISS MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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